La Piel que Habito de Pedro Almodóvar

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Antonio Banderas in
The Skin I Live In

“When you work in a different language, your emotional state changes. In Spanish, my mother language, words not only have the meaning they have—they also have a personal meaning. For me, it is more difficult to say ‘Te quiero’ than ‘I love you.’”

Lost Highway, David Lynch (1997)

Lost Highway

Having refused to state what the film was about elsewhere, director David Lynch later said of Lost Highway:

“It’s about a couple who feel that somewhere, just on the border of consciousness – or on the other side of that border – are bad, bad problems. But they can’t bring them into the real world and deal with them. So this bad feeling is just hovering there, and the problems abstract themselves and become other things. It just becomes like a bad dream. There are unfortunate things that happen to people, and this story is about that. It depicts an unfortunate occurrence, and gives you the feeling of a man in trouble. A thinking man in trouble.” Lynch on Lynch.

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“I like to remember things my own way.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“How I remember them, not necessarily the way they happened.”