Malcolm McDowell & Ludwig van in A Clockwork Orange (1971, dir. Stanley Kubrick)



Q. Alex loves rape and Beethoven: what do you think that implies?

Stanley Kubrick: I think this suggests the failure of culture to have any morally refining effect on society. Hitler loved good music and many top Nazis were cultured and sophisticated men but it didn’t do them, or anyone else, much good.

via Kubrick: The Definitive Edition by Michel Ciment, Gilbert Adair, & Robert Bononno

Johann Strauss II – The Blue Danube (Reprise)


Q. You have abandoned original film music in your last three films.

Stanley Kubrick: “Exclude a pop music score from what I am about to say. However good our best film composers may be, they are not a Beethoven, a Mozart or a Brahms. Why use music which is less good when there is such a multitude of great orchestral music available from the past and from our own time?”

(via Michel Ciment’s Kubrick: The Definitive Edition)

A Clockwork Orange // dir. Stanley Kubrick


There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.